Amir Khadr

Head of Technology

About Amir

Amir is currently the Director of Technology at AmplifyME. He first joined as a Tech Team Lead, managing and coordinating tech projects, and since then, he's been making his mark. Before joining Amplify, Amir worked in software development with several large organizations across Europe. His ongoing commitment to learning about new trends and advancements helps keep Amplify cutting-edge.

As Director of Technology, Amir oversees operations, product development, and the Technology Team, while also keeping the IT infrastructure running smoothly. His blend of tech know-how and leadership skills helps everything run like clockwork. Amir's journey at Amplify, his deep understanding of technology, and his leadership are all part of what drives Amplify's mission: to level the playing field through technology. When Amir's not at work, he enjoys diving into sci-fi movies, stand-up comedy, and long-form podcasts, exploring a wide range of topics and perspectives.

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